Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Windows XP Registry Power Policies - How to Manipulate Power Policies in Windows XP Registry

Want to manipulate your PC or laptop's power policies using Windows XP registry? The steps are simple and enable you to quickly modify the power policy of your PC or laptop with a double click. Of course you need to know what you are doing to your registry which is what this article is about.

Before we go on to talk about modifying Windows XP registry power policies, please note that you need to make sure that the power schemes are set according your preferences. To do so, right click on your desktop and click on "Properties". Go to the "Screen Saver" tab and click on "Power" button. Then you can start to modify the power schemes to suit your preference. The steps are particular to XP but Vista should have similar interface though I am not absolutely sure. After you have done so, then you can now choose which power scheme you want using Windows XP registry power policies setting which is much faster than going through the steps above. You just need to prepare one registry file for each scheme and double click on the one you want to set subsequently. It is fast and convenient.

I mentioned that in order to modify Windows XP registry power policies, you need one registry file for each scheme. There are 6 power schemes in XP so you will need 6 registry files. Launch notepad and paste the following content removing texts in brackets:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
(blank line)

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/PowerCfg] (replace the forward slashes with black slashes)


And then save the file as "scheme1.reg". You can choose any name you want but the file must have the extension .reg. You should have noticed that the "CurrentPowerPolicy" is set to 0 which refers to scheme 1 which is "Home/Office Desk" scheme in XP. You can now proceed to create 5 more registry files for the rest of the schemes.

What you need to do to apply the Windows XP registry power policies setting is simply to double click on the registry file that you want to set the scheme for. When prompted on whether you are sure you want to add the information to the registry, just click Yes. If you see any error, chances are you have not created the registry file properly. Make sure there is no space before or on top of the sentence "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" and make sure you replaced the forward slashes with back slashes. Manipulating Windows XP registry power policies will be a breeze from now on.

George Tho is an IT support specialist. Read his review on the top 3 Registry Cleaners that come with free scanning features for you to improve performance of Windows on your system and remove errors caused by registry.

Author's review website on Clickbank products:

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